Once drain repipe you have done all you can do it's time to call in the professionals. Experts dealing with water damage restoration are equipped with the equipment, experience and knowledge to be able to spot problem areas and address them right away. You should get in touch with them and arrange a visit as soon as possible. Let them know if the water is still present and how much you have been able to do. That will allow them to fit you into their schedule should your situation be urgent. Clearing water quickly is important so that mold and spores do not have a chance to take root and begin growing. This mold can cause respiratory and other serious health problems.
Use the sandpaper to remove any loose particles from the hole. It is important for the surface to be properly prepared for these types of gutter water line repair.

Plumbers are at a high risk for health problems. This is because they are regularly exposed to many different illnesses and infections. They can contract psittacosis and histoplasmosis from the regular contact they have with animal droppings. Plumbers also see regular exposure to harmful chemicals and elements like lead and the other chemicals that can be found in the plumbing materials they work with on a regular basis.
Clean the hole in the gutter railing first. It must be free of any debris, so you may want to clean the entire drain channel using a proper cleaner. In this way, you will have a clean surface area which will allow you to repair the hole more easily.
The first step in the replacement project is to turn off the water line repair to the toilet and flush any water that may be in the tank. If you forget this step, you will have a giant mess to clean up! You should now disconnect that water line.
People who own rental properties are great ones to give you information. With all of the service people needed for maintenance on their units, they typically know who to call and what level of work they perform. Most property owners will be more than happy to give you the information you seek. In fact, they were probably in your shoes at one time.
The plumber you hire does not normally do heating but will do hot water heating or in floor heating in the house. Some places you can use the water heater for both domestic hot water and for in floor heating if the heating is a secondary heat. Check with your local plumbing codes on this to be clear.